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Pin a Tweet?

thCK9TF55KThink about how much time you spend on Twitter and what you are hoping to accomplish by using Twitter. One of the most important things that can happen for you is when someone else retweets for you, right? And for you, as you work to increase your network, you are looking for things to retweet also, right? And all of the activity you do that is Twitter related takes so much time in total and you probably wish you could spend more time writing and less time on Twitter?

Don’t we all! Here’s your quick tip: Pin a tweet.

Pick which of your tweets is most important for your goals and you most want retweeted by others and PIN IT. Then when people roll through their email notifications and are looking to reciprocate or to catch your attention by retweeting, you’ve made it quick and easy for them to select the tweet that gets you the most benefit. Pinned tweets remain at the top of your Twitter page and others don’t have to search for something relevant to retweet.

I personally look for something to retweet every time I follow someone. Often, I end up scrolling down their page and finding only things they have retweeted and I move on to the next email notification to follow someone back and retweet for them–time is money, or in our case, time is words on the page, right? That person missed an opportunity for me to retweet for them. I love it when a new follower has a pinned tweet because I can follow and retweet for them and go on to the next one…they save me a ton of time! And, it starts that chain reaction we all want…retweeting for each other is the neighborly thing to do and helps you gain valuable, meaningful followers.

How to pin a tweet:retweet-490x367

  1. From your Twitter profile home page, send a tweet.
  2. Go to the sent tweet at the top of your list of sent tweets and click on or just move your mouse over “…more”
  3.  Select “Pin to your profile page”

How to unpin a tweet:

  1. Go to your Home page in Twitter
  2. Select “more” underneath the tweet
  3. Choose “Unpin from your profile”

~~~~~~~~~~>Debra L Hartmann, Author, Publishing Consultant with Indie Author Publishing Services, and Professional Editor at The Pro Book Editor

8 thoughts on “Pin a Tweet?

    1. My pleasure! It hit me to write this when I found myself scrolling through page after page of retweets and not being able to help a fellow tweeter out! LOL


  1. Yes, but can I just say that it is a good idea to change that pinned tweet once a day or so. How many times do I see that I’ve already retweeted that pinned tweet? And then there is nothing else to retweet!


    1. I absolutely agree with you. I think for each person or business’s goals that switch out time might be different, but true to what consumers want and need, keeping some variety in the mix is so important. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!


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